Hosted by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, and the Bureau of Justice Assistance in partnership with the National Public Safety Partnership and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s National Gang Center
Violent crime is not a problem that can be solved by law enforcement alone. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) recognizes the importance of community-based violence prevention and intervention, and as Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco stated recently, DOJ is committed to developing tools for jurisdictions seeking to implement comprehensive strategies for preventing youth violence. Therefore, in support of the Biden-Harris Administration’s comprehensive strategy to prevent and respond to gun crime and ensure public safety, DOJ convened experts in a virtual listening session to help create a Community Violence Intervention (CVI) Implementation Checklist that will provide guidance and resources for jurisdictions seeking to implement comprehensive, community-based strategies for preventing violence. This listening session brought together DOJ officials, researchers, and practitioners representing a wide range of community-based and criminal justice agencies to provide feedback on the tool, as well as suggest additional resources that a community might need as they implement CVI strategies. DOJ envisions that this checklist will be helpful for communities applying for federal funding to implement new or enhanced CVI initiatives.
The listening session was interactive, and participants were encouraged to provide comments, questions, and relevant materials throughout the event via polling questions, the chat function, and a dedicated email address to provide information before and after the session. The listening session will be followed up by a series of one-hour feedback sessions where participants can provide more detailed feedback and suggestions to the Bureau of Justice Assistance.